Professional Community Association Management Since 1984
Houston 713-981-9000
San Antonio 210-490-0000
Homeowners Association of Timber Forest is another extraordinary community managed by C.I.A. Services
key personnel
Homeowners Association of Timber Forest

Community Manager - Stacey Hitchcock, 713-981-9000
Administrative Assistant - Laurel Jackson , 713-981-9000
Maintenance Coordinator - Anderson Campbell, 713-981-9000

Directors & Officers

Vice President/Secretary - Eugene Newsome (2024)
Treasurer - Mitch Walton (2025)
Director - Vacant (2026)


Architectural Control - open
Beautification - open
Social – J.J. Waddock


Attorney - RMWBH, 713-840-1666
Grounds Maintenance - Texas Turf Tenders LLC
Pool Management - Blue Water Recreational Services
Trash Service - Best Trash, 281-313-2378
Insurance - Brady Chapman Holland & Associates, 713-688-1500

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