Bluebonnet Park
The Bluebonnet Park is available to all owners and their guests. However, if you plan to have a large gathering (25 limit), you can reserve the large pavilion or one of the 3 smaller pavilions for exclusive use. Effective, October 1, 2023, there is a NON-REFUNDABLE $30 usage/admin fee required by all owners wanting reservations. Please make all reservations at least two weeks in advance.
MEMBERS ONLY HOLIDAYS. No parties, reservations, or guests are permitted in the park on holidays.
All DBPOA members over the age of 18, who desire access or continued access to the Bluebonnet Park, must provide a color copy of your ID to a DBPOA Board member before access can be granted.
New rules and restrictions have been implemented to support a positive experience for all members.
Once your BBP access has been approved by a representative, you will receive an email notification with the Master Lock App installation instructions for your cell phone and registration information to access the lock.