Community Manager - Jennifer Gonzalez, 713-981-9000
Administrative Assistant - Velissa Pena, 713-981-9000
Maintenance Coordinator - Patrick Sheffield, 713-981-9000
President - Joshua Husvar - (2025)
Treasurer - Jonathan Johnstone (2025)
Director - Vacant - (2025)
Director-Elect - Paul Kevin Dix (2026)
Director-Elect - Lisamar Maldonado (2026)
Architectural Control - Lisa Maldonado
Communications - Paul Kevin Dix
Landscaping - Board of Directors
Social - Open
Welcome - Rebecca Hodges, Violet Phillips and Christine Hodder
Attorney - Treece Law Firm, 281-667-3100
CPA - Judy Lynn Scott, 281-496-7047
Grounds Maintenance - Brookway Horticulture, 713-466-1420
Insurance - Brady Chapman Holland & Associates, 713-688-1500
Pool Management - Gulf Coast Aquatics, 281-538-7946
Trash Service - Texas Pride, 281-342-8178