Sep 2024 News
Important Pet Information
The City of San Antonio has several regulations regarding your pet.
Leashing and Control.
All dogs must be confined to their owner’s property at all times except when on a leash. Animal Care Officers have the legal authority to enter unenclosed front yards of private property to impound unrestrained animals.
“Pooper Scooper” Law.
A pet owner or keeper shall not walk his/her dogs without a leash restraint, and shall not guide or take animals onto the yards or driveways of property not owned, leased or occupied by the animal owner for the purpose of allowing the animal to defecate, but shall keep his/her animal in the public right-of-way, and shall carry a container and scooper for the sanitary removal of his/her animal’s fecal matter from the public right-of-way.
Pets in Cars.
It is illegal to leave any animal in a standing or parked vehicle. Any animal care officer or police officer is authorized to use reasonable force, including the breaking of a side window, to remove a pet from a car whenever it appears the animal’s health or safety is endangered.
If you have concerns or would like to register a complaint, please contact the City of San Antonio by dialing 311.
Sep 2024
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